PSIC4116 Psicología de la Sexualidad Humana

Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae
Módulos Disponibles
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Joseph E. Agüero, Ph.D.

Universidad de Puerto Rico
Recinto de Mayagüez
Departamento de Ciencias Sociales
Mayagüez, PR 00681

Office Phone:  (787) 265-3839 

Home Office Phone: (787) 652-4177




Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Ph.D.  1982

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN M.S.    1977

Indiana University Northwest, Gary, IN B.A.   1975




University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Department of Social Sciences

      Professor of Psychology July 2000 to present

      Interim Department Chair January 2000 to  June 2000

      Associate Professor 1992 to 1999

      Assistant Professor  1988 to 1991


Interamerican University of Puerto Rico at San German San German, Puerto Rico

Graduate Studies Department

     Ad-Hoc Graduate MS & PhD PROGRAMS FACULTY 1992 to present


Institut Teknologik MARA/MUCIA-Indiana University  Shah Alam, Malaysia

     Visiting Assistant Professor 1986 to 1988


University of Wisconsin, Fox Valley Center Menasha, Wisconsin

      Instructor 1980 to 1983

      Assistant Professor 1983 to 1986


St. Mary's College of Maryland St. Mary's City, Maryland

     Visiting Instructor 1979 to 1980




Personality Theories

Statistical Analysis

Experimental Design

Research Seminar

Thesis Supervision

Human Diversity

Qualitative Research



Psychology of Human Sexuality

Introduction to Psychology

Personality Theories

Methods of Experimental Psychology

Social Psychology

Developmental Psychology - Adulthood

Physiological Psychology

Research Seminar




The Effects of Attitudinal Similarity on Heterosexual Dislike of Homosexuals. (June 1983).  Dissertation Abstracts International, 43(12), p. 4193-B  Ph.D. Thesis.  Degree granted December 1982.


Positive and Negative Contrast Effect in Delayed Reinforcemnt Schedules.  MS Degreee Thesis.  Degree granted August, 1977.




Agüero, J. E. (2007). Esenciales de La Sexualidad Humana. Mayagüez, PR: www. josephaguero. org. In Press.


Agüero, Joseph E. (2007). La Orientación Erótica: Desarrollo Histórico del Concepto y la Evolución de las Explicaciones Teóricas. Mayagüez, PR: www.josephaguero. org. In press.


Agüero, J. E. (2003). La Psicología de la Sexualidad Humana: Una Perspectiva Psico-Social y Humanista. [The Psychology of Human Sexuality: A Psycho-Social and Humanist Perspective] Mayagüez, PR: www. josephaguero. org.


Agüero, J. E. (2002). Introducción a la Psicología de la Sexualidad Humana [Introduction to the Psychology of Human Sexuality]. En S. Ruiz, Ph.D.(Ed.) Lecturas en las Ciencias Sociales [Selected Readings in the Social Sciences]. University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus Press.


Núñez-Molina, M. A. , Rodríguez, V., & Agüero, J. E. (1994). Desarrollo Ocupacional y Profesional de los Egresados de un Programa de Psicología en Puerto Rico [Occupational and Professional Development of Graduates from a Psychology Program in Puerto Rico]. Revista Puertoriqueña de Psicología [Puerto Rican Journal of Psychology], 9, 221-242.


Aguero, J. E. (1993). Teorías de Personalidad [Personality Theories]. In J. Gutierrez and E. B. Rivero (Eds.) Introducción a las Ciencias Sociales: Antología de Lecturas [Introduction to the Social Sciences: Selected Readings]. College of Arts and Sciences Press, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez: Mayaguez, PR.


Valdés-Pizzini, M., Gutiérrez Sánchez, J., Agüero, J. E. & Ocasio, L. (1992). Inversión Social Contra la Criminalidad: Los Consejos de Seguridad Vecinal y las Mini-Estaciones [Social Investment Against Criminality: The NeighborhoodWatch Program and the Police Mini-Stations}. Ceteris Paribus, 2(1), 162-187.





Anaya, L. Relación entre el Marianismo y Autoestima en Hombres y Mujeres  del Area Oeste de Puerto Rico [The Relationship between Marianism and  Self-Esteem in Men  and Women of Western Puerto Rico].


Castro, A.B. La Relación Entre Edad de la Menarquía, Rol Sexual  Conservador-Liberal y Actitudes Hacia la Menstruación en Féminas de     Cuarto Año de Escuela Superior de un Pueblo del Area Suroeste de Puerto Rico [The Relationship Among Age of the onset of  Menarque, Sexual  Role (Conservative or  Liberal)  and Attitudes Towards Menstruation in Female Seniors in a Southwestern Puerto Rico High School].


Crespo, B. J. Estudio Comparativo de los Puntajes de Cociente Intelectual  de las Escalas EIWA y EIWN-R-PR en Estudiantes con un Nivel de Funcionamiento Intelectual Sobresaliente [Comparative Study between IQ scores obtained from the EIWA and EIWN-R-PR tests in High  IQ Students].


Dedós, P.  Factores que Influyen en la Decisión de los(as) Estudiantes  Universitarios(as) a no Buscar Consejería Psicológica [Factors that Deter University Students in Obtaining Psychological Counseling].


Diversé, M.B. Relación Entre la Diferencia en Rasgos de Personalidad y la Satisfacción Matrimonial en Parejas Residentes de un Pueblo del Area Sur de Puerto Rico [The Relationship Between Differences in Personality Traits and Marital Satisfaction in Married Couples Residing  in a Southern Puerto Rico  City].


González, A. Autovaloración y Atribución Colectiva Sobrela Personalidad de un  Sector de Puertorriqueños [Self-Evaluation and Collective Atribution of  Personality Traits of a Sample of Puerto Ricans].


Hermina, E. Efectos de los ejercicios Aeróbicos Sobre el Nivel de Ansiedad Ante Exámenes [The  Effects of Aerobic Exercises on Test Anxiety Levels].


Hernández, K. Las Manifestaciones Machistas en los Estereotipos Sexuales en los  Anuncios de Televisión [Machismo in Sex Role Stereotypes in TV Ads].


Ramírez, M. E. Relación entre Autonomía,  Autoestima y Relaciones Familiares del Envejeciente que Asiste a Centros de Cuidado Diurno [The Relationship Among Self-Esteem, Autonomy, and Family Relations in Aging  People Assisting  Geriatric Day Care Centers].


Rosa, E. La Relación Entre la Homofobia, Contacto Social con Personas Gays y Lesbianas y la Creencia en Mitos Sobre la Homosexualidad en Estudiantes Universitarios [The Relationship Among Homophobia, Social Contact  with Gay and Lesbian People, and Beliefs in Myths About Homosexuality in University Students].


Santiago, E. Auto-Estima de Jóvenes entre las Edades de 17 a 25 años que se Hacen la Prueba de Anticuerpos Hacia el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humano  en la Región Oeste  de Puerto Rico [Self-Esteem  of Young People Between 17  and 25 years of Age that Take the  Antibodies Test of HIV in Western Puerto  Rico].


Túa, A.N. Diferencia en Rasgos de Personalidad Entre Estudiantes Universitarios  Bajo Probatoria y Estudiantes Universitarios del Cuadro de Honor [Personality Traits Differences Between University Students under Probation     and Students  in the Dean's List].


Valentín, M. Factores que Afectan la Satisfacción Hacia su Universidad en Estudiantes Extranjeros Matriculados en dos Sistemas Universitarios de Puerto Rico [Factors that Affect University-Related Satisfaction in Foreign Students Attending Two University Systems in Puerto  Rico].




Aug. 1994 - present   

         Directed and supervised  Graduate Research projects, in partial requirement for a Master[s Degree in the Interamerican University Graduate Program in Psychology (average of 4  projects per academic year).


Aug. 1993                      

         External Evaluator for "Escape, Inc.", of Puerto Rico.  A non- profit organization associated with the Exchange Club dedicated to the prevention of child abuse.


Nov. 1991                       

         Organized and directed students' seminar research projects on Human Sexuality for presentation in the Second symposium of Human Sexuality Research, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus.


June 1990- May 1991                                                                                                                                                    Co-principal investigator,  assessment of the neighborhood Watch  program in Puerto Rico.  Funded by the state Police Department and the Governor's Office for Public Safety.


Dec. 1990                                                                                                                                                                      Organized and directed students' seminar  research projects on Human Sexuality for presentation in the First symposium of Human Sexuality Research, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus.




Aug. 1997 - May 1999      

         Chairperson, College of Arts and Sciences' Faculty Evaluation Committee.


Jan. 1995 - May 1999        

         Chairperson, Faculty Evaluation Committee, Department of Social Science.


Jan. 1995 - May 1999         

         Departmental delegate to the School of Arts and Sciences' Faculty Evaluation Committee.


Nov. 1995 - May 1997        

          Member, Institution-wide Committee for Faculty Evaluation and Development, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.


Jan. 1996                               

          Attended second training workshop in the use of the Environmental Assessment  Instrument, developed by the Institute of Comparative Social & Cultural Studies. Sponsored by a grant from FIPSE to the Program for the Prevention of Drug and  Alcohol Abuse.


Aug. 1992 - May 1996        

         Member of the Institution-wide Committee for the Prevention of HIV-AIDS, University of Puerto Rico at  Mayaguez.


Aug. 1994 - May 1996         

          Statistical consultant, Program for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Health Services Department, Dean of Students Office, University of Puerto Rico  at Mayaguez.


Aug. 1989 - May 1995         

          Member of the Steering Committee for the Center for Applied Social Research  (CISA), Department of Social Sciences, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.


May 1995                              

         Forum Panel Member: Media Portrayal of  Homosexuality in Puerto Rico. Utuado's  Municipal High School Yearly Forum on  Contemporary Topics. Utuado, Puerto Rico. Televised to various high schools  in Puerto Rico.


Sep. 1994  Attended first training workshop in the use  of the Environmental Assessment   Instrument, developed by  the Institute of Cmparative Social & Cultural Studies. Sponsored by a grant from FIPSE to the Program for the Prevention of Drug and  Alcohol Abuse.


July 1990 - May 1993 

         Faculty Advisor to the Association of  Psychology Students (AEPSIC),

         Department of Social Sciences, University  of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.


July1993                                                                                                                                                                     Presentation: Sex and Intimacy. Summer Program for High School students. Interamerican University, San German Campus, San German, Puerto Rico.


Feb. 1993                                

         Presentation: Self-Esteem. Program for the Rehabilitation of exconvicts in public housing projects.  Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.


April 1993                                

         Presentation: Human Reproduction and Contraception.  School for Parents Project, Department of Social Services and Education. City of Aguada, Puerto Rico.


Feb. 1993                                 

         Paper Presentation: Occupational and Professional Development of Graduates from a Psychology Program in Puerto Rico. Meeting of the Puerto Rican Psychological Association.


March 1992                               

          Presentation: Myths and Misconceptions About  Human Sexuality. First Congress on Human Sexuality Education. Interamerican University, San German Campus, Puerto Rico.


Nov. 1991                                 

         Panelist in "Ojeda sin Límite" (TV program). Topics: Wet dreams, sexual  fantasias, and masturbation  in adolescents.


Oct. 1991 

         Workshop/Seminar: Sexual Harassment. To members of the campus police  department. University of Puerto Rico  Mayaguez Campus.


March 1989

         Master of Ceremonies, Nursing Department's Seminar on Sexuality and the

         Elderly, University of Puerto Rico at  Mayaguez.


June 1989 -July 1989                                                                                                                                                               Attended summer seminar on quantitative methods in the social sciences / Latino research workshop, UniversityofMichigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.